Why should G give me an A?17

My goal for the week was to work on my career pathways and more for my senior gallery. During my career pathways, I had trouble getting to my work and focusing on one topic. But after awhile of working on a topic, I would go back and work on another project that I have not finished, and did start to learn to multitask my work. My plan for next week is to do the same as this week, working on career pathways, but not with the task issues hopefully.

Why should G give me an A?15

My goal for the week was to come back from BPA and work on my career pathways. I worked on projects for my career pathways. I had to overcome the trail and tribulation in doing the project. I studied the material and went through the tutorial to get all information I could to do the work. Next week I am going to be working on my career pathways but on a  different project.

Why should G give me an A?14

My goal for the week was to work and practice for BPA. I achieved this week by doing a few projects for my career pathways and practice for BPA. I had to overcome the time it takes to do a tutorial fully and to get everything correct to learn from it. I then did as anyone would, and worked the tutorial until I finally finished. Next week I have BPA, so my goal before BPA is to practice hard for it, so I can get the best grade I can.

Why should G give me an A? 13

  1. My goal was to work on building my portfolio with my career pathways and practice my BPA testing.
  2. I got done with some of my work and practiced a good amount.
  3. I had problems figuring out what/how to do my work on some projects.
  4. I drove through the problems and just did the work over and over till my product is what I would like.
  5. My goals for next week are to do the same, by practicing for my testing and working on my career pathways.

Why should G give me an A?12

1.Keep Practicing for Bpa States.

2. I did work and practice my work for Bpa.

3. I had to teach myself to be faster with my work.

4.I worked hard on focusing on everything wrong with my work/what I didn’t like in my work, and practice it.

5.To work on more Career Pathways projects and to practice my Bpa practice as well.

Hands on Exam.

The restaurant “Buns” is a historic place in Delaware’s history, being one of the oldest and highly regarded restaurants in Delaware.

Buns is a historic place for many reasons but they could put more into a good amount of things regarding their logo and presence online. There logo is good for the historic feel and having the authenticity of their place in the town, but with this new age and with online presence, a change in logo would most likely be good. The original logo would be good for the restaurant, but online, if they had a new, more eye catching logo it could bring more business for them. Their website, as well,  could need a change up for a wider catch of people.

I would create a more effective logo and website for the restaurant to get a larger appeal. It would be better to bring forth a larger and more effective brand.
