Why G should give me an A? 2

  1. My goal for the week was to work on and complete my 10 day project, and at the present time I am close to done, but not quite.
  2. I worked on it but i’m not quite done.
  3. Get my 10 day project started and figured out was somewhat difficult.
  4. I thought and made it out. But it took a good amount of time.
  5. Work on pathway projects.

Why should G give me an A this week?

  1. I had a goal of getting back into the new schedule and to re-gain my strengths by practicing.
  2. I easily caught on to my new schedule, and I have been working and completing  my 8 day assignment.
  3. The problems I encountered this week were just problems I needed to take some time on.
  4.  After I took time and worked it out, I could keep going with my work.
  5. Finish work on my 8 day assignment and finalize my project. Also to practice more techniques for my work.