“Destination : Antarctica” Video, Storyboard, Concept, and Script

Photo on 10-23-15 at 9.23 AM copy

Concept: A promotional video about why you should go to Antarctica, while in the video itself all the reasons its giving are all humorous and not great reasons to go. It’s a silly lil satire about travel videos.


Antarctica! Hip,hip, hooray! This must be my lucky day! I get to go to Antarctica today!

I love Antarctica for a lot of reason.

For one, the weather! The cold days and nights. The sunny and snowy days. Its interesting!

The incredible animals like, the polar bear, krill, weddell seal, snow petrels, the leopard seal, and the variety of penguins.

It’s beautiful but if i lost my group for one day I would die from falling off one of the enormous cliffs, freezing to death, or getting eaten by a animal .

So if you ever would want to go to the antarctic, remember take a lot of pictures,and only stay for a day, do not stay.

“Intro to digital video” Summary

The article “Introduction to digital video” is a good article about how, when, and why you should try and make movies. It gives you all the steps how you would go about making a movie for yourself. Including preproduction, production, postproduction,and distribution.  Also it tells you all the materials that would be needed into going into making your movie.

“Overview of the Adobe Premiere Pro” Summary

This article gives a simple and good view of what you would need to go into Premiere . It gives multiple things to do and to learn before going into Premiere, including “How to customize the workspace”, and “Adobe Premiere Pro panels”. It gives step by step tutorials on how to do all the things, plus they’re simple to understand so the reader can follow along easier.

2N2 commercial: Final Cut+ Concept + Script.

Concept: The commercial will start as a normal kind of commercial, but throughout it starts to break the 4th wall as a commercial to show the commercial is being recorded in a car itself. The driver starting to drive fairly recklessly and the commercial starts to deteriorate from a average commercial about safe driving, and becomes a crash itself.


Driving is a enormous part of everyones life, unless you never leave your home, then you at least have see one outside the window or on the interwebs.

You see cars everyday, they can be seen in a lot of situations like being driven by yourself, driven by someone else, parked , or if you’re unlucky, a crash. 2N2 is a program by State Farm to celebrate safe driving and stands for 2 eyes on the road and 2 hands on the wheel.

Crashes can be from a small fender bender to a horrible… uhh Dave, its a 25 and you’re going 50,

Dave~ Yo get off my case….

not to be a backseat driver or anything but could you just slow down a bit. Ok ,*clear throat*, lets start from “Crashes”.

Crashes can be from a small fender bender to a … woah, seriously Dave slow down that was a stop sign right there…

Dave~Oh sorry , I didn’t see it..

and, and when we knew we had to record in the van, you said you would be a good driver and go slow for a better recording. Ok thanks for slowing to 25, just keep it the speed limit. Starting again from “Crashes” and keep this speed.

Crashes can be from.. WOAH, WOAH, WATCH OUT AHH omg..!

“Even if you’re following the rules and being safe, others might not. So just be safe and keep 2 eyes on the road and 2 hands on the wheel.”