Magazine Cover Design Summery

This article gives a lot of information about what makes a good and liked magazine cover. The article has 8 different style choices that are widely used and accepted for being appealing to the consumer. For example, for a magazine to have consistency to their covers to make them easily recognizable and iconic. Another example is to combine photography with drawing to make the cover look appealing.

World Domination: Part One Response

A Brief Guide to World Domination* by Chris Guillebeau is a report about how to better your life and to do what you would like to do for a living instead of doing what others want you to do. This is more of a guide to do what you would like for a living whether you would like to be a artists, environmentalist, or whatever thing you’re passionate on for a living. But the title of the report is about what he is using the guide to do, otherwise know as his world domination idea. For his main “World Domination” idea he will be going to every countries in the world in 5 years.